Verbal Violence

VERBAL VIOLENCE #9: The Dirty Dozen, Pt. 1



Verbal Violence fans are in for a treat with this 2 part episode. Director Jason Reitman, who's films include "Juno", "Up in the Air", "Thanks for Not Smoking" joins the podcast to discuss the short film he directed about the show. Dirty Dozens was organized by the steak holders of Roast Battle and it pitted the best 12 battlers in Hollywood against each other all in the same night.  Judges: Jeff Ross, Dane Cook, Tony Hinchcliffe, and  Whitney Cummings. Battles Olivia Grace vs. Ashley Barnhill, Alex Hooper vs. George Perez, and Annie Ledderman vs Mike Lawrence  House Haters: Earl Skakel – DATE RELEASED: 01/15/2016