Superhero Ethics

Carl Weathers Remembered



The recent passing of beloved actor Carl Weathers was a sad loss that left many fans reminiscing about his storied career. In this episode of Superhero Ethics, host Matthew Fox brought in frequent guests Paul Hoppe and Ashley Coffin to remember Weathers' varied roles across film and TV, and how an actor who almost never was the top star is still so fondly remembered.Some key discussion points from the episode:Weathers left a strong impression and built substantial goodwill through memorable supporting roles rather than as a leading man. His intelligence and charisma allowed him to excel as both a hero and a villain.Weathers portrayed a convincing boxer and helped ground the racial portrayal in the original Rocky film. His friendship with Sylvester Stallone hit some bumps but recovered over time.In Predator and other action films, Weathers stood out with an athletic build and physicality equal to stars like Arnold Schwarzenegger.Later acting projects showed Weathers' versatility, including comedic work like Ar