Inside Of You With Michael Rosenbaum

ANTHONY LAPAGLIA: Induced Coma Visions, Django Rumors, Chasing the EGOT & Forgiving His Father



Anthony LaPaglia (Empire Records, Without a Trace) joins us this week to share story after story from his incredible tenure in this industry and how he’s been able to sustain such a respected career. Anthony drops a bomb when he talks about his recent ‘induced coma,’ the visions he had coming out of it, and the positive changes it brought to his life. We get into a lot this week… like stories of standing up to Val Kilmer, the harsh pressures of being the eldest son in an Italian family, aspirations for professional soccer, chasing the EGOT, problems with directors on set, arrests during Empire Records, and a whole lot more. Thank you to our sponsors: ❤️ Betterhelp: