Zoomer Week In Review

AI Compassionate Companions & Zelensky's Showman Journey



Eldercare Evolved: AI Companions & Compassion Exploring AI companions in eldercare: Meet VIV, offering conversation and compassion. We discuss the latest report from the National Institute on Ageing and the transformative role of technology, featuring Catherine Phee's experience with dementia. Is this the future? Dr. Adriana Shnall weighs in. From Actor to Icon: Zelensky's Showman Journey Dive into the captivating journey of Volodymyr Zelensky, from actor to wartime leader, as we discuss "The Showman" with Time Correspondent Simon Shuster. This intimate portrait traces Zelensky's evolution from the bright lights of variety shows to the front lines of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Explore how he transitioned from comedic actor to an iconic figure leading Ukraine's fight for its future. Join us as we unravel the personal transformation of President Zelensky and the pivotal moments captured in "The Showman."