Superhero Ethics

Fantastic Four Casting



The Fantastic Four are finally joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe! With the recent casting announcement, fans are eagerly anticipating how these beloved characters will be portrayed. Matthew and Jessica explore the significance of this movie and why the Fantastic Four are such an essential part of Marvel's history.Why has it been so challenging to adapt the Fantastic Four for the big screen? Jessica shares her insights on the previous Fantastic Four movies and why they failed to capture the essence of the characters. She discusses the importance of embracing the optimistic and adventurous nature of the Fantastic Four.How will Reed Richards be portrayed in the MCU? Matthew and Jessica analyze the casting of Reed Richards and what it means for the character's representation. They discuss Reed's intelligence, arrogance, and the potential for character growth in the upcoming movie.Jessica explores the importance of Ben Grimm's Jewish identity and how it has been portrayed in the comics. She shares her thoughts