Tierra 100

Wishes Come True(愿望实现了)



Once upon a time, Rita Rabbit was complaining to Diana Duck. "You always have fun, swimming around in the lake. I wish I was a duck. You're lucky." (从前,兔子瑞塔跟鸭子戴安娜抱怨说:“你总是很有乐趣,在湖里游来游去的。我希望我是一只鸭子。你真幸运。”)Diana Duck said, "Oh really? Well, I wish I was a rabbit! You can hop so fast and go so far. I think you'r lucky!" (鸭子戴安娜说:“哦,是吗?我倒希望我是一只兔子。你可以跳得很快很远。我觉得你才幸运!”)Just then the Good Fairy appeared and said, "You are both lucky! I will grant you each your wish." (就在那是,美好仙女出现了,说:“你们都很幸运!我会帮你们实现愿望。”)All of a sudden Rita Rabbit became a duck! She waddled to the lake and went for a swim. (突然,兔子瑞塔变成了一只鸭子!她蹒跚地走到湖里去游泳。)Diana Duck became a rabbit and hopped down the road as fast as she could go. (戴安娜鸭子变成了一只兔子,拼命地在路上快跳。)At the end of the day, Rita was wet and cold. She missed her family. She missed her home in the hole at the bottom of the hollow tree. She wanted to hop over there, but it was too far, and all she could do was waddle. (这一天结束了,瑞塔浑身又湿又冷。她想家了。她想念在一棵空空的大树地下的树洞里的家。她想跑回去,但是太远了,她现在只能慢慢地走。)Diana was having trouble, t