Dr. Friedemann Schaub

Is Your Relationship Stuck in the Drama Triangle? | ES186



Ever find yourself in a recurring conflict loop, feeling like there's no way out? This week we're exploring the roles of Victim, Aggressor, and Rescuer that we unknowingly slip into, driving cycles of miscommunication and resentment. Through client experiences and stories, we'll see how these dynamics play out in everyday relationships. This episode isn't just about identifying problems; it's a guide to transforming conflict into growth, teaching us to communicate with empathy, set boundaries, and genuinely connect. Join me on Empowerment Solutions for a journey toward breaking free from the Drama Triangle and embracing empowered interactions.Friedemann Schaub, MD, PhD, is the award-winning author of The Fear + Anxiety Solution. Dr. Schaub has helped thousands of people with his Personal Breakthrough and Empowerment program to overcome their fear and anxiety by addressing the deeper, subconscious root causes of these emotional challenges.Dr Friedemann's Takeaways:Intro (00:00)The "Rescuer, Victim, Aggressor"