VCY America

A Nation Falling Apart at the Seams



With each passing day you can't help but wonder, what's next-- The things happening in America are happening so quickly. For example, just a few years ago we had the most secure borders ever and we were energy independent. Evidence indicates that America is more divided than ever and from the highest office in the land, Resurrection Sunday was hijacked by a transgender day of visibility.--So as you look at our nation from these facets as well as others, it's clear that America is -falling apart at the seams.- --Returning to Crosstalk to explain why was Alex Newman. Alex is an award-winning international freelance journalist, author, researcher, educator and consultant. He is senior editor for The New American.--Alex began his analysis by describing his prognosis for the future of America. He believes that when you look at the situation objectively and honestly, we're a nation that is on the verge of collapse and that we're seeing the judgment of God due to wickedness that unfortunately pervades much of societ