VCY America

New WHO Pandemic Treaty Unveiled



Mat Staver is founder - chairman of Liberty Counsel. Mat is a constitutional attorney with three landmark cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. He's an author and the host of the radio broadcasts Faith - Freedom and Freedom's Call.--The new World Health Organization -WHO- pandemic treaty has been unveiled. The intergovernmental negotiating body of the WHO has been meeting and refining the pandemic treaty in preparation for the 77th World Health Assembly which takes place May 27th through June 1st in Geneva, Switzerland.--Multiple planning meetings have been underway since the last world health assembly and in recent weeks the World Health Organization released their revised draft of this pandemic agreement.--The Biden administration doesn't refer to this agreement as a treaty, merely an agreement or an accord. Mat contends that it is, in fact, a treaty. Remember, a treaty must be affirmed-ratified by a two-thirds majority vote in the U.S. Senate. Mat believes they won't get that kind of vote, especially when i