Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

How Spirituality Improves Your Mental and Physical Health and Longevity



This week’s topic is: How Spirituality Improves Your Mental and Physical Health and Longevity I love to delve into all things spiritual and our inner connection to who we are in our core, in our heart, in our true self nature. And I love how this interplay's and affects all other aspects of our wellbeing, including evidence based research, as well as tips and tools, our physical health, our mental and emotional wellbeing. And that is the power of our Four Cornerstones and how everything works synergistically. The reason that I'm so passionate about sharing this, if you are new to our community, or you've been with me for many years, you'll know that I started off very much focused on our Food Cornerstone as a nutritionist and being a real advocate of healthy natural eating. And what I saw in my work with thousands of readers and clients was that food was not enough to take us to the full level of wellbeing, vibrancy, radiance, and energy. We do have to go beyond this holistic lifestyle. And that is why we rot