Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

The Macrobiotic Diet With Sachi Kato & The Low Down On The Plant Paradox



The recent NY Times bestseller, The Plant Paradox, has brought up a question of whether certain plant foods, including nightshades and legumes, are inflammatory and toxic. In this segment, Tony and I review some key points from the book and whether we REALLY need to avoid the foods criticized in this book. Next, I have my very special guest Sachi Kato who is a vegan Chef, Photographer and co-author of The One Peaceful World Cookbook. Sachi works as a macrobiotic chef and instructor, which fulfills her passion for sharing nurturing food.  Listen in as we discuss what the macrobiotic diet philosophy is, how to make shifts towards a plant-based lifestyle, and how you too can bring a happy atmosphere into your kitchen.   [BULLETS] Tony and I talk about some of the headlines and controversy in comparison to the Beauty Detox lifestyle... If plants are really the enemy and what some studies are saying... We define what lectins are and if they are beneficial... Why it's important to seek long-term health rather than