VCY America

Whatever Happens: Standing Firm when the World is Falling Apart



Robert J. Morgan is the Leader of Robert J. Morgan Ministries, a nonprofit organization whose goal is to energize God's people with a greater understanding and appreciation of the Bible and Christian heritage. He served in pastoral ministry for over 40 years.--Do you struggle in your faith as you observe a world that is falling apart-- Each day do you wake up wondering what is going to happen next and will you be able to survive-- We observe a political system that has run amok with more of our freedoms being taken while -the system- gains control. There is unrest in the world and we wonder when or where the next military action will take place. We see problems in our healthcare system with escalating rates, longer wait times and denial of care. Our education system is doing more brainwashing than educating. Uprisings are taking place on university campuses. Inflation is off the charts and we wonder what the next grocery item will be that we can no longer afford. There is a growing animosity toward Christiani