VCY America

News Roundup and Comment



Friday brings another News Roundup- Here are a few of the headlines that were shared----Donald Trump facing 34 felony charges- Trump says that the charges will not stick-President Biden reads the words on his teleprompter including script instructions-Americans should expect massive tax hikes in 2025-President Biden says that Israel has an iron clad right to exist as an independent state-Biden Administration finalizes ban of fossil fuels in new federal buildings beginning in 2030-Biden and 17 other nations call for release of hostages held by Hamas-Hamas holds 30 Israeli Defense Force soldiers in high security locations, impossible to reach them under any circumstances-Soros clan accused of providing 15 million dollars in support of Hamas, as well as more funding to Biden and other democrats-Anti-Israel activists continue to disrupt campus life at several universities and colleges-Drag queen story hour becomes 'Free Palestine' indoctrination for kids- kids encouraged to chant 'if you're a drag queen and you k