VCY America

Persecuted Christians Paying the Price



Todd Nettleton is the host of the Voice of the Martyrs Radio and is Vice President of Message for the Voice of the Martyrs-USA. Todd is author of Forbidden- 40 Days on the Frontlines with Persecuted Christians.--Our Constitution recognizes the free exercise of religion, yet we take it for granted. We have Bibles available seemingly everywhere, even on our phones, yet do we use them-- Churches are still prevalent in America but are you attending as you should-- The fact is, we're often lackadaisical when it comes to our Christian faith and the freedom we have to practice it. In addition, it's a foreign thought to even think about the fact that others worldwide are being persecuted for that same faith in Jesus Christ. This shouldn't surprise us because as Todd realizes, in many places around the world, the most dangerous item a person can own is a Bible.--Todd described how it's not uncommon for someone to be beaten if they're found to be reading the Bible or to be arrested if found in possession of one. In res