In The Market With Janet Parshall

Hour 1: Insight and Understanding



Anti-Israel protests have broken out on college campuses in the U.S. and in other parts of the world. On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week discussed whether these protests are really about the exercise of free speech as many claim or if instead there is a darker agenda at work behind the scenes motivating this volatile hatred of Israel. How does a family deal with the challenges of a drug addicted child? We heard from a father and daughter who have walked that journey themselves. They spoke openly about the struggles they went through, how God met them at this crucial time in their lives and offered insight for other families who face the same struggle. It appears that nothing is off limits in China’s unrelenting push for world domination. Once again we gave you the opportunity to hear from our national security expert as he exposed China’s development of deadly neurotoxins, experimental virus work which is being funded by our own government and that nation’s role in the deadly fen