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Six More Taoist Sales Lessons That Make Common Sense #492



Six More Taoist Sales Lessons That Make Common Sense #492 This is the podcast where each week we apply an aspect of Taoism to sales. Last week we departed from this structure and surveyed six Taoist sales lessons instead of a single aspect. Each lesson contained common sense practical advice.  This week we’re going to do six more and if you haven’t listened to last week’s episode, that’s OK. These lessons aren’t in any order There is no need to go back before listening to this episode. But I do urge you to listen to it, especially if you’ve found value in this episode.  As I said these lessons are solid advice that speaks to the art of sales, not just the science. This Taoist advice talks about mindset and intuition and how to approach selling at an instinctive level. Real life is filled with randomness and chaos. No one script or formula can address all possibilities. That’s why I’m a strong proponent of having a mindset that can address all challenges. Frankly, I’m fascinated by these concepts which is why