The Chase Jarvis Live Show

The Power of Pauses in Life (and Music)



In this episode, Stephan Moccio shares his journey through the music industry, his creative process, and the power of showing up. Stephan is a world-renowned composer, artist, and producer, best known for his work on hits like Miley Cyrus' "Wrecking Ball" and The Weeknd's "Earned It." A classically trained pianist, Stephan has found success across genres and formats, from pop hits to Olympic theme songs. During our conversation, Stephan delves into his classical background, his experience writing hit songs for other artists, and his transition into solo work. He also shares insights on creativity, the power of discipline, and the importance of self-expression in music.   Some highlights we explore: How Stephan balances his classical training with his love for pop music His experience writing for superstars like Miley Cyrus and The Weeknd Stephan's thoughts on the creative process and how he combats writer's block The impact of his solo career on his overall musical journey Stephan's reflections on t