Crosstalk America

Harsh Sentences Unleashed on Pro-Lifers



This broadcast highlights the sentencing of pro-lifers as a result of allegedly violating the FACE -Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances- Act. For example---Joan Andrews Bell, sentenced to 27 months in jail, community service and a -125 fine.-Lauren Handy, sentenced to 4 years in prison, 3 years supervision and a -125 fine.-John Hinshaw, sentenced to one year and a -125 fine.-Will Goodman, sentenced to 18 months and a -125 fine.--These are just 4 of several pro-lifers that Jim referred to from a recent LifeSite News article showing how the Biden administration is willing to use the Department of Justice as a weapon to silence their political enemies and perpetuate the killing of the unborn.--Juxtapose these sentences with those of carjackers, those who've attacked churches since the leak of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, those who've attacked pro-life pregnancy centers, illegal aliens and more.--How is this equal justice under the law when such individuals are conspiring to be peaceful on behalf of those wh