Crosstalk America

What Meaneth These Stones?



On many occasions, individuals will do something so that they remember a significant life event. The Israelites gathered stones as they crossed the Jordan River. With the stones, they built a monument so that when future generations asked what the stones meant, they would hear of how God led them through and provided for them.--We also put up monuments, not to worship, but to remember individuals or events that have impacted our nation in a significant way. Unfortunately, it's these statues and monuments that are under attack. Why is this happening----To address this issue, Crosstalk welcomed Dr. Tim Schmig. Dr. Schmig is executive director of the Michigan Association of Christian Schools, director of Stories in Stone and author of Stories in Stones- Our Heritage of Evidence.--So why is there such a concerted effort to remove statues and monuments today-- Dr. Schmig believes part of it is because people today are looking back through the lens of their own personal experiences, therefore they view our nation's