VCY America

Escalating Toward Euthanasia



Brad Mattes is president of Life Issues Institute which was founded in 1991 to serve the educational needs of the pro-life movement. Brad is the host of Life Issues, a daily radio commentary, the weekly Straight Talk on Life Issues and has produced numerous radio specials standing for life--What used to be called euthanasia evolved to become physician assisted suicide, mercy killing, and death with dignity. The newest attempt to soften this killing procedure is use of the phrase, medical aid in dying.--This program centered on legislation being drafted for the federal funding of assisted suicide. HR-8137 is legislation to provide exceptions to the restrictions described in the Assisted Suicide Funding Restriction Act of 1997. That legislation was designed to prohibit taxpayer funding for euthanasia, assisted suicide or anything associated with those activities. --Now there's an attempt to redefine medical aid in dying to not include assisted suicide, euthanasia or mercy killing. Brad believes this is an attem