

The importance of qualifying a 100% of your prospects before you go on the appointment. This is going to be a critical conversation, one that will save you lots of time and one that will make your job a whole lot better and easier and overall … Profitable. I want you to develop the discipline to qualify every single prospect before you ever go on the appointment. And you have to understand that If we qualify the prospect correctly we will discover not only what they want but also what they don’t want and what are their biggest concerns. When you know all of this you will be able to shift and alter your presentation in a way that addresses their concerns and eliminates all their objections before they come up. Qualifying is something that 95% of the agents do not know how to use and this is the #1 reason why you get so many objections. Let me ask you a question. If you know before hand what objection is going to come up, would you be able to prepare for it? Of course. And if you prepare for it do you t