Crosstalk America

Homosexuality: What Does the Bible Say?



With each passing year, advocates of the LGBTQ- agenda are more vocal and more aggressive in advancing their cause while denouncing those who object. As has been his custom, President Biden issued a proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Pride Month. His proclamation stated, -Advancing equality for the LGBTQI- community is a top priority.---Is this the last word because churches are becoming more accepting, because -drag queens- are allowed to read stories to children, because world governments, or specifically, a U.S. administration, makes it a -top priority--- Instead, what we should be asking is- What does the Bible say----Joining Crosstalk to answer that question was Pastor Rick Rogers of Calvary Baptist Church in Sturtevant, Wisconsin. He's a chaplain for law enforcement, is a former director of the Alpha Women's Center and also previously served on the Board of Baptists for Life of Wisconsin.--Pastor Rogers began by noting how God has ordained 3 institutions- The family