The Chase Jarvis Live Show

How Hacking Happiness (Actually) Works | Stephanie Harrison



In this episode with Stephanie Harrison, founder of "The New Happy" and expert in positive psychology, we get into the essence of happiness and dispel the common misconceptions surrounding it. Drawing from her own journey through personal unhappiness, Stephanie uncovers societal beliefs that often lead us astray and offers a fresh perspective on finding genuine happiness. With a blend of academic expertise and personal insights, she shares her revolutionary philosophy, emphasizing the transformative power of creativity, connection, and serving others. Some highlights we explore: The journey from "Old Happy" to "New Happy" and the damaging beliefs it entails. Strategies for hacking happiness and implementing actionable steps for joy. Revolutionizing our understanding of happiness, especially for entrepreneurs. The role of creativity, connection, and service in cultivating lasting happiness and success. And more Enjoy!