Sex Is Medicine With Devi Ward

Sex Is Medicine Radio ~ Cultivating Sexual Wholeness



Our results-fixated culture can lead to an achievement-oriented sexual identity, experience and mind-set where the focus is on our fruits. Sexual wholeness and embodying our sexual/spiritual consciousness invites a restoration from the roots of our nervous system, through the safety of inhabiting our trunks, and nourishing the open flow of energy through our branches. in order for our genitalia to enjoy the fruits of our embodiment, presence, and loving.Join Devi and her guest Rahi Chun of Somatic Sexual Wholeness as they dive into what cultivating sexual wholness looks like.Learn:1- Why our Sexual Issues are really our Soul Issues2- How our early attachment deficits affect our nervous system3- How a lack of early relational attachment in infancy affects our sense of sexual sovereignty and empowerment4- How our earliest wiring or associations with sexual arousal/pleasure can create blueprints for our adult patterns, behaviors and fetishes5- Presence and Safety and the power of re-imprinting new embodied stori