Sex Is Medicine With Devi Ward

Racism and Sexuality



Devi speaks with Sexual Educator, Rakhem Sekhu about how institutionalized racism impacts the sexual experience of people of color in America. 6 Points to Cover:What is Racism and How to Recognize itHow Racism Affects Everyone - White & BlackThe Challenges Facing African-American relationshipsWhat Relationship Issues CAN'T be Attributed to RacismWhy Sexuality is the KeyHow Progressive Love & Gender Harmonics Can Help - SolutionsAbout Carl Stevens~Carl Stevens is a relationship expert, life coach, best-selling author, and husband of 16 years. Carl has an Engineering degree from NC State in Engineering and a MBA from Howard University. He was formally trained in yoga, breathing, meditation, and metaphysical thought for more than ten years. Carl and his wife, Kenya, used these ideals to formulate their unique-coaching style. In 2005, they co-founded JujuMama LLC. JujuMama has certified more than 150 love coaches and tantra practitioners. The Progressive Love Movement was formulated in 2010 after coaching