For Immediate Release

FIR #412: Don’t Let the Door Hit You on Your Way Out



You work for one of the biggest consulting firms in the world. You've been told that taking a voluntary separation package from the company is in your best interest. When you agree (not that you had much choice), you're asked to sign an agreement that not only won't you disparage the company, but you'll use the language provided to you to let your colleagues know why you're leaving (nothing bad about the company) and how great your time there has been. With more than 330,000 employees in this company, won't anybody think identical farewell messages from multiple employees find this a bit suspicious? That's what happened at PwC, our lead topic in this monthly long-form FIR episode for June 2024. Also in this episode: Megainfluencers charge as much as $1.5 million for a single post. Could you do better with a bunch of mico and nanoinfluencers? New studies are out from Deloitte and McKinsey on the state of AI in the workplace. AI avatars and coworkers are starting to show up in some companies as the tools to cre