Clare Fm - Podcasts

Mayor Of Clare Calls On Residents Of Three Clare Towns To Plan For Communities' Futures



The Mayor of Clare has issued a call for the residents of three Clare towns to play a part in planning for their communities' futures. Clare County Council is in the process of forming Town Teams in Kilrush, Lisdoonvarna and Tulla, as the three areas have been named beneficiaries of a prestigious Government initiative. Sixmilebridge became the first Clare community to receive funding to develop a masterplan under the Town Centre First Programme in 2021. The programme is a cross-government policy that aims to tackle vacancy, combat dereliction and breathe new life into town centres. Now, Clare County Council is seeking to form Town Teams in Kilrush, Lisdoonvarna and Tulla - wth similar work to commence in Clarecastle in the coming weeks. These teams will work with the local authority to set up a representative group for the town, participate in thematic working groups, assist in preparing grant applications and support fundraising activities. Mayor of Clare and Bodyke Fine Gael Councillor Joe Cooney says