VCY America

World Affairs Overview



The world is definitely in turmoil.- Russia, North Korea, Iran and China are a handful of nations that aren't just problematic, they're forming alliances that should be a wake-up call to this world.- On the other hand, in some nations, people are rising up and signaling that they no longer want to go in a certain direction any longer.--To address these trends, Crosstalk welcomed back Alex Newman.- Alex is an award-winning international freelance journalist, author, researcher, educator and consultant.- He's senior editor for The New American.- He is co-author of Crimes of the Educators, author of- Deep State- The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes and author of, Indoctrinating Our Children to Death.- He is founder of Liberty Sentinel.--In this survey of world affairs, Alex focused on the following---Russia-Their alliance building and a warning from a former Soviet defector.--China-Is their government system the model for an eventual new world order----China and Taiwan-Is a war between these two nations im