VCY America

News Roundup and Comment



Crosstalk listeners get caught up on news stories from around the world each Friday. Here's a selection of stories that Jim presented this week-----Tuesday evening it was revealed by the Wall Street Journal that President Biden is delaying the sale of F-15 fighter jets to Israel.----The leader of Hezbollah has vowed a fight with no rules and with no red lines if full-out war erupts between the Lebanese militant group and Israel.----U.S. military officials on June 19th confirmed that an air strike in Syria did kill a top terrorist leader in ISIS over the past weekend.----The high price of tobacco in Gaza has given rise to a cigarette smuggling industry and now threatens U.N. aid convoys.----The Biden administration's decision to spend 230 million dollars worth of hard-working American tax dollars on the humanitarian pier off the cost of Gaza seemed ill advised from the start.----Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address Congress on July 24th. ----Over 50 synagogues in Florida were forced to evacua