Robot Monk Xian'er

Those who are arrogant are disqualified to be critics 骄傲的心没资格当“批评家”



Those who are arrogant are disqualified to be criticsWhen others disdain us, do we disdain them as well?Observe how arrogance manifests itself, think about damages arrogance may cause, and reflect upon ourselves.  Arrogance is hidden within us and it is hard to recognize it ourselves.Well, there is a mirror which is external condition.  Everyone is sharp when pointing out others' issues, which is not wisdom.Taking an "I am guiding you" or  "you don't know what you are missing" attitude is far from being compassionate.Without compelling virtue and far-reaching karmic causes, you will not be able to change others by pointing out their issues.You annoy them instead. So focus more on your own issues. 骄傲的心没资格当“批评家”当别人看不起自己的时候,自己是否也在看不起别人?观察慢心的形象,思维慢心的危害,然后反省自己身上有没有这样的问题。慢心藏在我们身上,自己很难认识到,外境正好是一面镜子。每个人看别人的问题都是很犀利的,这不算智慧;心里怀着“指导你”和“你怎么不知好歹”的心态,也远非慈悲。没有让人信服的德行与深厚的业缘,指出别人的问题只会惹人反感,而不能帮人改变。多看看自己的问题吧!