Robot Monk Xian'er

Less calculation, never feeling at a loss 少点精明,不会“吃亏”



Less calculation, never feeling at a loss If you care too much about yourself, you always feel like at a loss.If you care less about self and more about others,you will not feel at a loss at all.On the contrary, you will accumulate blessings and virtue.Karma determinates everything.There is no bargain nor loss to be taken in vain.  【少点精明,不会“吃亏”】自己在意、计较,就会感觉“吃亏”;若不那么精明,宽厚一点、少算计一点,心里没有“吃亏”的想法,反而憨憨地积下许多福德。业决定一切,哪有真正的便宜可占,又何尝有凭空的损失呢?