The School Of Greatness

685 How to manage anxiety, burnout, and overwhelm



“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.”- Colin Powell Have you ever felt that you didn’t have enough time in the day? I know I have. To make our dreams a reality, it takes consistency over years. It doesn’t happen magically because we think about it. But when that consistency piles up into anxiety, burnout and overwhelm - we have to manage it so that it doesn’t rob us from our joy and happiness. I want to give you a solution to set yourself up so you don’t collapse from exhaustion. Believe it or not, there’s a lot of little tricks you can to to really help that won’t side track your day. For example, make your bed in the mornings. You spend about one third of your life in bed. Taking an extra couple of minute to make your bed will subconsciously show that you respect yourself. It also gives your mind a moment to think of something else, like a forced meditation that can allow your mind a moment to reset let go of any other distractions in your life. In thi