The School Of Greatness

674 Tony Hawk: Breaking Limitations and Creating a Legacy



“MY ONLY KEY TO TRUE SUCCESS IS HAVING THE CONFIDENCE.” Tony Hawk pushes the limits not just in his sport, but also in his business. His video games have become one of the biggest franchises in history. Spoiler: There’s even more coming in October. I felt so fortunate for Tony to come in and sit down on the. He’s an incredibly smart and dedicated person. Tony sat down with me to discuss how he has been able to be successful in his marriage as well as his business life. He also discusses if it’s more fulfilling to be relevant or innovative. He shares where his mind goes when the pressure is on for him to perform a huge trick, and how he was able to stay committed to his passion even when there was no money in it. This is a really powerful one, guys. You won’t want to miss it. Learn all about what it takes to break limitations and create a legacy, on Episode 674. Some Questions I Ask: Who was the most influential person in your life? (5:46) How old were you when you were bumped up in competition? (8:20) How do