The School Of Greatness

646 How to Be the Jedi Master of Overcoming Stress with Chris Lee



“YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OVER OTHER PEOPLE, BUT YOU HAVE TOTAL CONTROL OVER YOURSELF.” Do you ever feel like there’s certain things that just set you off? Certain subjects that send you into a blind rage? We all go through it. There was a period in my life, well honestly it was most of my life, I was explosive. Even if a little thing would trigger me, I found myself exploding. In those moments, I would reflect - and I know that wasn’t me. The truth is, it wasn’t me. It was my reaction. More importantly, it wasn’t my reaction to what was really happening. I was reacting to things in my past. Previous events I was holding on to, and constantly judging, were making me react in an explosive manner. Events would trigger these memories on a subconscious level, and everything that built up would come out all at once. I was able to find a place of peace with my past and find a place of neutrality, thanks to the help of today’s guest: Chris Lee. Chris Lee is a transformational facilitator and coach (and TV personality) th