The School Of Greatness

604 Susan David: The Art of Emotional Agility



People have the greatest levels of success when they live and work at the edge of their abilities. - Susan David All of us want to be happy. Many of us pursue happiness in different ways, and sometimes that includes trying to block out less than happy emotions. You might have noticed that becoming obsessed with this pursuit can actually make you less happy in the long run. That's because all emotions are meant to be experienced. They are meant to pass through you, and when you suppress them or try to pretend they aren't there they will just come back to you with a vengeance. So how do we be truly happy? That's exactly what Susan David has spent her career studying. Susan David is a psychologist, originally from South Africa, that has been learning about emotions and people's pursuit of happiness since she lost her father in high school. She has recently written a best selling book, Emotional Agility, about the importance of every emotion we go through. Susan also recently gave a Ted Talk that was one of the m