
"A complete unknown", Chalamet en la pell de Dylan



La banda sonora original del nou biopic dedicat a Bob Dylan inclou les sorprenents versions cantades per l'actor Timothée Chalamet. Fem una comparativa entre les cançons originals de Dylan i les versions d'una de les pel·lícules de l'any. 01 Timothée Chalamet - "Highway 61 revisited" 02 Bob Dylan - "Highway 61 revisited" 03 Timothée Chalamet - "Mr. tambourine man" 04 The Byrds - "Mr. tambourine man" 05 Timothée Chalamet, Monica Barbaro - "Girl from the north country" 06 Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash - "Girl from the north country" 07 Simon & Garfunkel - "Scarborough fair" 08 Timothée Chalamet - "A hard rain's a-gonna fall" 09 Joan Baez - "A hard rain's a-gonna fall" 10 Monica Barbaro - "House of the rising sun" 11 The Animals - "House of the rising sun" 12 Bob Dylan - "Blowin' in the wind" 13 Bob Dylan - "Like a rolling stone"