Soul Music Of The World

Rebekka: Coffee and Music (Featured Download)



"From a small, rural town in the distant province, Norway, sounds an angelic voice. Rebekka, a young, up-and-coming neo-soul artist takes our thoughts way back to the golden era of soul.Born into a music loving family she immediately learned to appreciate the joy of melody. With her father as a mentor she would travel around to perform along with her brother, and sang in various choirs and groups, until she wrote her first song on her own, November 2006. A star had begun her journey towards the skies.Still determinately working to develope further in style and expression, Rebekka keeps blessing us with songs that we all can relate to. Inspired by that universal love and divinity that no human can help but to recognize, she writes most of her songs herself. "All kinds of music inspires me, especially soul music from the 1950's. But God, love, life, and my family is my biggest inspiration". Her music stretches into contrasts between the honesty and vulnerability of her lyrics, to the strength of her talent. All