Colin Thomson: Do More

013: Solo Saturday: You Are Not A One-Person Show



Do you think you can make it alone? How important do you think other people are to what you’re doing? Whatever level of importance you just assigned - double it You CAN’T do it alone, and even if you could - would you want to? Think about anything you’ve already accomplished in your life - can you honestly say that you made it happen by yourself? Other people are almost ALWAYS involved So... Commit to meeting new people. If you want to start easy - make it 2 a week. You BETTER be meeting at least 2 a week. Better yet - how about 7 a week? Why not? But don’t just shake hands - what you’re looking for is a REAL and LASTING relationship This doesn’t mean that you’re best buds, hanging out with you every weekend Rather, develop a real relationship to the point that they actually WANT to help you out. This is the whole trick, isn’t it? When someone has mastered the art of making others WANT to help them - there is no limit to what they can accomplish How do you do this? - NOT by being fake. “How to Win Friends an