R. Glenn Kelly

Ep.13_Grief in The Workplace_Mitigating the Hidden Cost of Employee Bereavement – Employer Addition



How to recover your company's share of $100 Billion in lost revenue. WATCH THIS EPISODE and find out how to identify and recover your profit and productivity on the job. $100 BILLION DOLLAR Annual Loss to Revenue For Businesses in America!!!! Yes...$100 Billion each and every year straight from the bottom line of businesses and organizations due to "Grief in the Workplace." From R. Glenn Kelly and the Bring Your Own Grief Network, this episode is for the leaders...owners execs, managers and supervisors. Identify and greatly reduce your part of this massive hit to your profits and productivity, while improving employee morale, welfare, and safety, as well as improving community branding for being a caring and compassionate place to work. For even more in depth information on Grief in the Workplace, please go to: http://rglennkelly.com/grief-in-the-workplace-the-workforce-capital-recovery-program - or contact R. Glenn Kelly by email at: rglennkelly@rglennkelly.com. R. Glenn is not only a bereaved father, but fo