Manformation Confidence And Leadership Strategies For Men With Skip La Cour

How To Make Challenging Areas Of Life Just As Good As Your Best Ones - #8



Do you wonder if it’s possible to ever be good in those areas of life that you struggle with? Is it too late at this stage of your life? Should you just accept that's just the way it is and always going to be? And, if it is possible to change for the better at your age, why haven’t you figured it out by now? In this MANformation podcast, I talk about an empowering belief that will give you the best chance to make those shifts and finally improve those areas of life that you’re not happy with. Go here to sign up for MANformation podcast updates and email alerts. If you're a man who is a little older with a busy, productive life who wants even more in life, you'll LOVE the MANformation podcast. If you want to use your willpower, focus, energy, and time more effectively to get even more done, the MANformation podcast will get your mind right. If you're a leader who has a lot of people depending on you for mental, emotional, and strategic strength at all times, this is your time to listen to another man who p