Giselle Koy Podcast

Sparkling Intersections: An Interview with David Life



Join me as I speak with master yogini David Life, co-founder of Jivamukti Yoga. His classes, along with Sharon Gannon, were my first yoga experiences where truth was served. It was life-changing. We'll be talking about 2012-THE BLUEPRINT FOR JOY, MASTER CLASSES WITH SHARON GANNON AND DAVID LIFE in New York City from December 31, 2011 - January 6, 2012. This amazing event will explore the yogic plan for living joyfully based on Ahimsa/Non Harming, Unity Consciousness and Planetary Sustainability.   David has been recognized by Yoga Journal as an "innovator" in yoga in the U.S today. Together with Sharon Gannon, and through the blessings of his teachers, David has helped create the Jivamukti Yoga method, which focuses on teaching and practicing yoga as a means to enlightenment. His high profile students have included, Trudy Styler and Sting, Madonna, Russell Simmons, Christy Turlington, Donna Karan and Geshe Michael Roach. To listen live, visit