Reiki Radio

The Moon Card of Tarot, Introspection



Reiki Radio: The Moon Card of Tarot - We have explored a lot! You have have looked at your feelings, thoughts, limitations, the power of surrender and consequence of attachments. There has been enormous consideration through our journey with the major arcana - and tonight we land on the moon. It's time to go back within and examine whatever may have come forward, but from your new lens. You have gained so much insight and wisdom through your experiences, and now is your chance to transform what you hold with new awareness. Before we seek peace in the outer world, we seek peace within. The interesting thing about this card is that it asks you to consider your commonalities with a dog and wolf - how does this symbolism speak to you? After the show, go to and sign up for the newsletter, then I will see you in the Seeker's Circle. Journey in LOVE!