5 Smooth Stones

End Times Prophecy Revealed Part 2



TONIGHT "Endtime Prophecy Revealed" Pt .2 We'll be discussing amazing proof of scattered Israelites waking up worldwide outside of the U.S.A and solutions on breaking Deu. 28 curses in households. Our guess will be my old traveling buddy Dr. John Johnston Pande who has traveled to some 30 nations. He will discuss eyes witness account of Israelites scattered worldwide esp. in the Pacific Islands and in his native land New Guinea, and more. In this "End-time Prophetic" series we discuss topics from a Hebrew Israelite perspective such as: New World Order, Vatican secrets, Population Control, Eugenics,  Financial slavery, Luciferian thought in society, Vaccinations for genocide, Mark of the Beast, Mystery Babylon, Social Media Zombies, Social Media surveillance, Rap's deviant culture, White supremacy, Beasts in revelation, Real Jews/Israelites scattered globally now resurrected and a remnant of them used mightily, the Gay agenda, the Rapture and the thousand year reign of Christ, Spiritual Warfare in high places