5 Smooth Stones

End Times prophecy revealed!!



Did you the know prophecies below are suppose to REPEAT on the Jews to today? But who does this sound like though?? “Later after their captivity there was 7 women to only 1 man (Is 4:1). ‘As a nation they would suffer 7 times harder than other nations (Lev. 26:18-28). Good men would not father their children because of a war against them (Deu.28:54). Naked, barefeet & slave ships (Deu. 28:68,Is 20:3). Their nation of men would have wives in captivity but another nation of men would come and lay with them (Deu. 28:30). Businesses violently taken away (Deu.28:31). Young men would faint in mind and would lie (stand) at all the streets corners as bulls full of anger (Is. 51:20). Their people tricked, into prisons (Is. 42:22). The people over them would kill them and not hold themselves guilty (Zech. 11:5). The Father would call "ALL" the Families of the north to scatter jews everywhere (Jer. 1:15). Their oppressor would literally change the time (daylight, calendar,etc.). Their oppressor would re-define as th