Morning Moments With Maia

Catching That Curve Ball; Lynn Soots on Positive Psychology and Resilience



Maia Aziz P.S.W., C.L.Y.L., C.H.P., writes and speaks on living a life of love and laughter. President-Elect of The Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor, Maia is joined each week on Morning Moments With Maia...Conversations of Love and Laughter by an eclectic lineup of guests who live their lives with love and laughter and work to help others do the same.             Dr. Lynn Soots is a professional educator that mixes positive psychology into every aspect of developing students to appreciate themselves, the world they live in, and the learning experience as part of finding meaning in their lives.  She claims the underlying foundation to her success is to take the journey with the students; to fully engage and enjoy the time together. As a cofounder and editor of The Positive Psychology People, Lynn hopes to get the meaning across of what it truly means to be human and how we journey through life given everything that is thrown at us on a daily basis. She believes that w