Morning Moments With Maia

Morning Moments With Maia; Debra Joy Hart on Humor and Bereavement



Maia Aziz P.S.W., C.L.Y.L., writes and speaks on living a life of love and laughter. President-Elect of The Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor, Maia is joined each week on Morning Moments With Maia...Conversations of Love and Laughter by an eclectic lineup of guests who live their lives with love and laughter and work to help others do the same.     Debra Joy Hart, RN is a Nationally Certified Bereavement Facilitator who has experience in home care, alcohol/drug rehabilitation, hospice, and public health. Deb, AKA “Daisy the Clown”, is part of a team working with FCAN to bring therapeutic, fun-filled programming to the families affected and infected with HIV/ AIDS. Deb also gives workshops for the adults on how to welcome and include more humor and joy in their lives. Her programs include: Parenting, Grief and Loss, Disease Stress Management, Spirituality and Faith. This morning Deb joins Maia for a conversation about the role humor can play in bereavement. www.debrajo