America Meditating Radio Show W/ Sister Jenna

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and How Meditation Can Help w/Sister Jenna



June is National PTSD Awareness Month. PTSD stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and it is the root cause of suicide and is considered one of the deadliest wounds of war for our veterans according to The Birdwell Foundation for PTSD. It is estimated that while we have slept comfortably in our beds, worked an 8-hour shift, safely returned home, eaten dinner with our family, and back to bed again, 22 veterans have committed suicide. Although the real number is higher: 22 is only the reported number as only 22 of 50 states report veteran suicide. HOW MEDITATION CAN HELP Meditation offers an alternative to their habits of worry, anxiety, fear and frustration. Derived from ancient techniques and validated by modern science, it is a simple mental practice that introduces a calmer, more satisfying mode of being.  **************************** Tune in as Sister Jenna helps to bring awareness to PTSD and its impact on society and shares special meditations. Listen to the America Meditating Radio Show as Sist