Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

LJ Morning Sparkle Show Completing the book of Daniel



Good Morning Diamonds, Today we are closing the book of Daniel, the book of Daniel for me is deep, deeper than my knowledge goes, however I will do my best to try to understand it. The beginning of Daniel was easy to interpret however the closing of Daniel is somewhat complicated.   Daniel is all about visions, dreams and interpretations, there is also lots of stubborn pride which is the biggest factor amongst the Kings of Babylon and Persia. The Jews that were captive in Babylon again made promises to God that they did not keep. They were warned of what would happen during the time of Nehemiah which takes place before Daniel. They did not care to respect God or keep his commandments. We will read about the last four visions that Daniel has and how Daniel try to intercede through prayer. But it is too late, and punishment by God is unavoidable. Daniel also sees visions of revelations the coming of Christ, I am reading the Bible to help my understanding, but I have to admit the final parts of Daniel really