Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

LJ Morning Sparkle The Book of Nehemiah #12



What's up Diamonds, Welcome to another episode of LJ morning sparkle I hope all of you are doing well and are remaining dry with this really, awful, awful nasty weather that’s coming. Of course, I am here in Virginia and I will get hit although I'm not in the evacuation zone, I still will experience a lot of water. I apologize for Monday’s show I seriously was told without checking it out for myself that the storm was going to hit on Monday, so I freaked and put on a podcast. Well, I am back and in the second book of Nehemiah as we go further into looking at what this builder, organizer and community advocate does to help the people of Jerusalem rebuild their city. This time they will be entering some obstacles just like life.  There have been people all throughout history that stand in the way of others achieving their dreams, Nehemiah is going to run into this morning. Trouble is brewing for Nehemiah because there are 3 characters that do not want him to build this wall back up so they will interfere you