Up Your Volume

Bedridden to Kilimanjaro



Join me as we welcome a very SPECIAL GUEST, Cana Guernsey 40 years old, born and lives in beautiful northern Michigan. Married to her best friend, and mom to a 21 and 19 year old. Diagnosed with RRMS in 2006, after years of trying to figure out what was wrong with her. Spent the next 5 years pretty stable, just small flares. In 2013 things started to decline quickly, was using a wheel chair to go any distance, spent the month of October 2013 completely bed bound. It was during this time that her eating changed, found Dr Wahls TEDx Talk, and the paleo lifestyle. It only took a couple of months before the chair was gone for good. Cana still struggles with energy, balance, weakness, and drop foot. She believes pushing is beneficial and not to let her disability hold her back. This Badass In February traveled to Africa by herself to achieve a life goal, because she doesn't believe in waiting for tomorrows. On February 28 after five days of hiking reached Gilman's point 18652feet which is on of the three points o